Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Hemingway: Open Mike

From wikipedia: "An open mike or open mic (or open spots ) is a live show where audience members may perform at the microphone." So, come up here to the stage, everybody, and grab the mike, and tell us something! Here is a chance to get participation points, and shock your classmates with your thoughts!

What did you think about the Hemingway stories we read? Did you like them? Did they make you think after the class was over? Was Hemingway nice and easy to read?


  1. In Hills Like White Elephants, before you told me about the story behind this book, I just thought this story is about two people drinking beer and waiting for a train, and I couldn't understand why this story is famous. Also, I was curious why the author described a baby as a white elephant. I researched it, and maybe it's the americans' way of calling a baby that they don't want to raise. Another thinking from this stroy is love. This story got me to think about the meaning of love again. In this story, which one is love? Having a family like the woman said or spending time together without a baby like the man said? Also, what is love that people normally say? I think love is a communication between a man and a woman, and trying to answer their messages each other.

  2. Of course H's stories are easy to read, but just read...

    It is TOO HARD to think after read...

  3. I think this story is very clear to read. So, I read it joyfully. But, this story is make me think about the meaning of true love. In this story, Man's love is just meeting with woman and share his joy with company, not the baby. But meaning of true love includes a sense of responsibility. So, I think man's attitude about love is not a true love, just enjoy.

  4. This story was easy to read but it was hard to get what woman and man were talking about. After taking a class, I could understand they were arguing about the baby. I'm upset about the man who keep saying to woman to get an abortion. I think he doesn't know about love and responsibility. Like the other student said above, love includes sense of responsibility. So, if he really loves her then he has to do whatever she wants to do. He have to know the baby is not only her baby but also his baby.

  5. It's kind of easy to read this story SEEMINGLY.
    But I think It's too hard to understand internal meaning of this work completely.

    At first, I thought that It's just about the boy and girl wandering their lives. However after the explanation what the underlying meaning is, I totally knew it. Also I'm so impressed with Hemingway's way to express the background or situation. Though these are little bit short and simple, we can get an everything we need to understand the tale.

    Individually, the guy who told her like that has some problem with the responsibility. And I guess she might be hurt because of his saying. He and also she have to treat the baby as a precious life.

  6. The story is simple and easy but I don't understand man's thought.
    He said 'I don't want you to do it if you feel that way'
    but he continuously try to convince the girl to undergo an operation.
    I have doubt that he really loves her.
    This story make me think love and family.
    I don't like man's attitude but situation is possible because love can have many face and shape

  7. I read the story twice more today and yesterday. And it comes to me fresh.

    This time, I tried to concentrated on the scenery of the novel.
    'no shade and no trees', 'field of grain' etc.
    It is kind of dry and lonely. It also occurs me brown color although the main color in the lecture is 'white'.

    Another thing that comes to my mind is two characters' view of the hills.
    The girl says that hills are lovely. She also sees it continuously. On the other hand, the man can't image elephants from the hills and doesn't see it but the girl. The only thing he concentrated on is operation. Maybe that's the main story that the writer tried to talk to.

    It's kind of surprised that it shows us about really closed 'modern' love. I mean, Hemingway is such an old man for me. But he describe 21c's sad, and ruined love story.(Of course these are really few cases.) Maybe this kind of false love occured in his period. If it was, it's so sad that this kind of love continues from now on. But if it wasn't, I can feel his so called 'nihilism' in the story. So sad. If he could realize the 'real love' in his life, how the story could change?

  8. He's short story is quiet powerful despite the fact that it's very short and simple in appearance. His story contains common probloms or sufferings that most people who are in love might have, and it makes me think over it again quiet a lot.

  9. His short story is quiet powerful despite the fact that it's very short and simple in appearance. His story contains common probloms or sufferings that most people who are in love might have, and it makes me think over it again quiet a lot:)

  10. I love his style of writing so simple but
    strong messages. I will buy some books that he wrote for this winter break. I think it will become very good company while I travel.
